Deauthentication attack


Currently exist a lot of methods to perform a de-authentication attack in a wireless environment. As a part of my previous post, I will go into deep detail about the easiest way to perform an attack in your own wireless lab. For this example I will perform this attack with the next parameters in my lab:

Evil Machine 
VM1: Kali Linux 
Wireless adapter:  AWUS036ACH

VM2: Ubuntu 20.04.3
Wireless adapter: TP-Link 802.11ac 

For the purposes of this lab, I preferred to work with Ruckus just for flexibility in configuration but if you prefer to reproduce this lab in another brand is totally possible:

Controller Version
Control Plane Software Version
AP Firmware Version
SSID: RuckusLab 
Band: 2.4GHz 
Channel: 1
Authentication options: Standard Open 
Encryption: WPA2 Algorithm AES

As I told previously the easiest way to perform a de-authentication attack is with three simple tools available  airmon-ng, airodump-ng, and airplay-ng 

  • The first step is to put your wireless interface in monitor mode

  • After that, you need to check the BSSID in the air and the stations connected 
#airodump-ng wlan0 

  • Knowing the BSSID target and the channel where is operating we need to define the correct parameter to set the airodump-ng on the correct channel and start to send messages to the BSSID 

  • Now you are ready to launch a de-authentication attack, setting the params of -a BSSID and -c STA mac address 

  • I love this Ruckus function of OTA(On the Air) capture because allow me to have a sample of what is happening with my users, now my SSID is only radiated on 2.4GHz and that is the reason to use that band and I'm filtering by client MAC to reduce the size of the sample 

Sending CTRL+C, I stopped the de-authentication attack 

  • Now I can take a look of what is happening in the controller side filtering with:  
(wlan.fc.type == 0) && (wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0c) 
(wlan.fc.type eq 0) && (wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 0x0c) 
(wlan.fc.type eq 0) && (wlan.fc.type_subtype eq 12)

  • It is a pretty similar view from the attacker's side 

  • And from the customer side, we can take a look at the incomplete process of association 

As I show you this is a very simple process to perform a de-authentication attack with just basic wireless hardware and a few software tools available for anyone on the Internet. My next post is about the options in Ruckus SmartZone to mitigate these kinds of attacks and how we can activate and the results of this process  


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